Current Listings in Alton
View our selection of available properties in the Alton Neighbourhood
Area Highlights
A quick view of the most influential metrics in the Alton neighbourhood (YTD May 3/22)

Learn more about the Alton community
The newest neighbourhood in town, Alton is offers a fresh feel, modern schools, shops parks & amenities. In this area you will find many homes still only a few years old, and a section is still being built.
Driving to Toronto from Alton Village takes approximately 40 minutes. During rush hour you may spend approximately 1 hour 20 minutes. The Appleby GO Station is 10 minutes away and offers a commute to Union Station of approximately 45 minutes. Alton Village is also close to the 407 and a few minutes to the QEW
Elementary Schools in the Alton Village Area
Alton Village Elementary School (JK-Grade 8) – 3290 Steeplechase Dr, Burlington, ON L7M 0W1
St. Anne Catholic Elementary School (JK-Grade 8) – 675 Doug Wright Dr, Burlington, ON L7M 0N9
Secondary Schools in the Alton Village Area
Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School – 3040 Tim Dobbie Dr, Burlington, ON L7M OM3
Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School – 5150 Upper Middle Rd, Burlington, ON L7L 0E
School Boards
**Check the Halton Catholic School Boardand the Halton Public School Board for school boundary changes.**